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Post-College Communities

If you're looking for a community to move to after college, you're in luck! And you're also not alone - this is a tough question for thousands of people graduating college every year. Many communities of young adults emerge when enough people all go to the same place, and they have the resources and support to accomodate their needs. Like with college campuses, some communities have over 500 young adults while some have barely a minyan (quality over quantity!) - so you'll have to figure out where is best for you, and maybe even where you're most needed (and also job prospects and cost of living and all those other fun factors...)

Fill out this survey so we can help connect you with others, whether for H2H/outreach purposes or to help organize the religious community

Singles and Young Couples

Here's a list of all the young adult religious communities that we know about, mainly for singles and young couples. This list includes locations, size of the community, and key institutions and individuals. Feel free to update the document with new or updated information!

Young Couple and Families 

Here's a list of young adult religious communities, mainly for young couples and young families. The list, compiled by the OU's Community Services department, includes profiles and information on over 40 locations! They also have a biannual Emerging Jewish Community Fair with represenatives from many of those communities. This list doesn't include some of the bigger and well-known communities - like Teaneck, Riverdale, Englewood, the Five Towns, Forest Hills, etc. 


Of course, we can't have this conversation without mentioning our homeland, holyland, and epicenter of the Jewish people - Israel! For all your moving-to-Israel needs, questions, concerns, and dreams, look no further than Nefesh b'Nefesh.

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